Fun fact: the word “Wednesday” comes from, in a round-about way, the Norse Woden’s Day. Woden is another way to spell Odin, the Zeus-ish god from Norse mythology. Sunday means what you think it does (day of the sun), Monday = moon-day, Tuesday is the day of Tiw, a Norse god of single combat, Thursday = Thor’s day, Friday is Frigg’s day, Saturday is the day of the Roman god Saturn.

Tiw and Frigg probably aren’t all that well-known by most people these days because Marvel hasn’t made a movie about them yet. I doubt they really would. Tiw only had one hand, after all, and Frigg is mostly famous for being Odin’s wife and being sort of clairvoyant. Another interesting corollary, though, is that Frigg is what the Norse called Venus. Most of the days of the week in the Romance languages are named after the Roman gods Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. God got substituted in for Sunday (domingo in Spanish, for example).

Etymology is fun, and so are these links: