I guess let’s talk about the field at Slugger. Field. Slugger Field.  It’s not ideal, obviously, to play soccer in a baseball stadium in the first place. It’s even less ideal when you can’t play the whole game in the outfield, and have to use almost the entire infield, instead. In spite of all that, Bats Grass do a hell of a job working with Louisville City to make sure the field’s in great shape and transitioning things from soccer to baseball and back. Those guys win awards for their work with Minor League Baseball on the reg, and they don’t drop their standards for us, either.

But! The field looked pretty bad on Saturday. I don’t expect it’ll look a lot better this coming Saturday, or the one after that, either. We haven’t reached the old City Island Goat Farm levels of bad, yet, but we aren’t tooooo far off, either. Intrepid Twitter user Zach Payne had the inside scoop on the conditions: The grass at Slugger is a mix of bluegrass and Bermuda. Bermuda is a warm-weather grass. If you’ve ever been to Florida and walked around in the grass, you’ll notice it’s way different than what’s growing in your yard at home. The Bermuda mix at Slugger is what is brown. It needs heat to grow and we haven’t had enough warm weather for it to grow yet.

The more you know!