Welcome back! Glad to see you’ve survived another day in during this international health crisis! The old blessing/curse “may you live in interesting times” is certainly tilted heavily toward the curse side of that scale at this point, isn’t it?

Meanwhile, we’re carrying on, and so are some soccer teams. Minnesota United and Vancouver Whitecaps played Connect4 online the other day. Houston Dash and Sky Blue played remote checkers. Some guys from Reno 1868 got on Twitch and played Rocket League together. And, not to be outdone, Paolo, Niall, Alexis, Brian Ownby and special guest Greg Ranjitsingh got on Twitch themselves and played Fortnite, too. I expect there will be more of that in the days and weeks to come!

Also, check out Niall’s PSA on hand washing, which we 100% endorse:

Jimmy Ockford’s juggling toilet paper. And Paolo and Katie George are playing some weird brand of tennis with spatulas:

We’re all making do with what we have. For today’s YouTube rewind match, you all can have the 2019 home fixture against Swope Park Rangers, which was super fun: