
Herman Quinn – President
Matt Owens – Secretary
David Buschermohle
Alex Fritton
Braeden Downey


Herman welcomes everyone who came to the first open board meeting in a while.

We are in the mid season, and we are where we want to be: on top.

We are at 212 members and counting.

The USL showcase is coming up next week. We would like to do a meet and greet with Mike and Devon, but time is limited. Tailgate might be an option. Do we want to present them with a bourbon bottle?

Player of the month for June was decided. The award will be presented at the Phoenix game.

Jim Totsch and Brad Estes were mentioned as 200 proof nominees. We also discussed ideas for awards.

Year 10 starts in September. The 10th anniversary will be next year.

A 10 year beer is something we would like to do for next year.

It has been a long time since there have been any events that allow interaction with the team. A meet & greet would be nice.

There is a lot of friction going on. The team is making increasing demands on us while only minimally addressing the issues we are having. We need to discuss it further. Herman and Ken will write a letter to the FO and see
if that has any effect.

Memphis and Playoffs are candidates for tifos.

Motion to buy 100 pins at $250 by Matt. Seconded by Braeden. All voted

Motion to buy Angel‘s Envy bottles for Mike Watts and Devon Kerr by David. Seconded by Braeden. All voted aye.

It might be fun to do a banner bash similar to what the Legion do.

We have not done many community events recently. It would be nice to start back up.

The people from the Chant app are asking if we are interested in being on it. We are already on the Tifo app and not really interested.