February 2023 Minutes:

Roll call:

* Herman
* Jess
* Martin
* Sara
* Ben
* Alex
* Bryan

* Look into first home game watch party at Atrium, will approach them to lock down details

* 2023 Partnerships: Atrium is good, Manuel/Hikes Point but should apply to all locations (still needs to be locked down), David and Herman still to talk to MileWide.

* Jess will reach out to Hometown/Craft House for potential partnership or Watch Party spot. Nicole was the contact, checking with staff at Craft House tonight for updated contact details

* Reviewed the new one-sheet and partnership agreement concepts, Bryan will re-link in Discord (previously posted in Slack) and ensure that all can edit the docs and use as necessary

* Opening Match watch party + St. Patty’s parade all the same day, should have plenty of time between events. Opening match will be around 10pm Eastern, we should reach out to El Nopal about watch party – can stay open late.

* Should have at least some drums between Herman and Alex. Groove Machine may be in parade but doing their own thing.

* We do still want to put in application still for parade, but will need a list of names to submit. See if David can drive his truck with the bourbon barrel. Put out the newsletter first and see if general membership

* Need to find out date cutoff for sign up.


* Coins – silver is traditional for 10-year anniversary, all in attendance agree with this color choice

# Coins

  • Motion to purchase 200 scarves and 250 coins
  • Approximately $2550 total before scarf shipping. We hae just under that in accounts but pre-orders will help cover the assumed balance.
  • Herman puts quantity and expenditure forward for a vote, Bryan seconds, unanimous vote yes. Good to go.
  • Want to shoot for Monday to get membership signups on Newsletter, Website, Twitter, etc.
  • Bryan to send Sara and Martin login info for TikTok. Will start posting there about membership along with teaser content
  • Bryan to send out original scarf photos and panning video to Board Chat
  • Derick Davis needs SVG or EPS for 2023 jersey design, Bryan will update /branding/ page on site with 10-year assets for use. Will need to get sponsor logos and share as well


  • Check Google account, see what $50 charge was, maybe Google fees?  -BV
  • Other than $50 charge, no change in financials from last month
  • Finances – Jess and Herman will get together soon (this coming Monday?) to consolidate accounts. She has been unable to get into Paypal and Square so far. Square was reset in the last week or so. Herman will help get into accounts.

* Herman has a bunch of the Defend the City scarves from playoffs (2018?) Keep around until playoffs, sell on site for $5

# Discord move

* Discord – General agreement on moving forward to move from Slack to Discord.

* Discord already set up and ready to roll

* Don’t need to pay per user (cost prohibitive) for full features like seeing posts over 90 days old

* Better features in a lot of ways

* Easier to admin, especially with role assignments, Slack’s channel setup has been a hindrance as boards cycle on and off

* Will start onboarding general membership as memberships are opened up. Can put invite with Receipt or when tabling in person can share QR invite (?)

Angel’s Share

* Jess still wants to do St. Baldrick’s for march. Not sure. Jess has a contact with St. Baldrick’s and can reach out. Need to see if there’s sign up interest for the opening home game, it will be early and not sure how many people would be there early enough to do it.

* For signed material, Herman will reach out to Litner, but team is in AZ and won’t be back for over a week. Herman does have a signed poster from last season to maybe offer up.


* 10 year logo? Big tifo to drop, or do one large banner like the Estopinal end banner/My New Kentucky Home

* David wants to make sure we have something for specific players as this could be some legend’s last seasons. May be a good opportunity for a full-membership banner making day, with Coopers providing materials. Refresh banners for the season


* Sewing Machine – Ken bought one as President, Kathryn Rein probably has it now

* Bryan will post spreadsheet in board chat for editing and adding inventory like the sewing machine

* Herman has reached out to Patrick Arkenberg about the podcast equipment and setting up a few 10-year retrospective episodes

Jess motions to Adjourn.