October 16th, 2019
Molly Malone’s Highlands
Time: 6:32 PM

Attending: Matt Dalton (President), Wyatt Weeks, Patrick Blanton, Glenn Grumm, Matt Owens, Katie Harper, Anthony Leanhart, Herman Quinn

Absent: Jestin Mounts

Guests: Beth Grumm, Derrick Davis, Joe Vala

Motion to start meeting:

Patrick Motions
Wyatt Seconds

Treasurer’s Report:

$1,437.09 from membership (70 memberships)

$700 for charity went out

$122.02 on IT for Google and Election runner
$3,959 on Charity for La Casita and Pride were paid out

$2960.71 is what we are left with

$88.61 for Taxes
$3,106.73 for our bank balance.

Congratulations to Derrick Davis for winning the scarf design! We are looking at scarf suppliers, there are currently options for summer scarves for either $8 or $3 each

Do.Love.Live Update: Looking to partner with the Coopers for TIFO painting spaces, podcasting spaces, meeting spaces, etc. Make it a hub for Cooper’s activity. Looking at having things like T-shirts with the coopers logo made to sell for charity, or beers that could be on tap that would would be sold that would be able to have a portion of the proceeds.

Invite Dave to the next coopers board meeting

New Business:

Amendment announcement will be sent out to the membership this week, and at the next meeting (location TBD) and likely same time.

POD clean-out will begin at a time TBD
Looking to store items at Glenn, Matt Owens, and potentially Matt Dalton’s

LouCity Ladies scarf pre-order, $20 per scarf from Ruffneck, looking to be hosted on our Square store. Would need to raise shipping cost

Motion to hold a presale
Patrick motions
Wyatt seconds

Need a design for next years pins for membership, and looking at alternate smoke suppliers


Update and looking at the Charitable Gaming License, raffles and things that need to be changed for next year to make the charitable arm (Angel Share).

Read over information provided by Shana and be prepared to discuss at the November meeting

$747 for Louisville Grows
$1035 for Active Heroes
Fairness $2385
Center for Women and Children $151
Louisville Youth Group $470
Power Soccer $1000
La Casita $959
$787 for Twisted Pink
After the final totals are found out from the auctions we should be around $8,500 for the year.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:20pm