April 2023 Minutes:

Roll call:

* Carl
* Jess
* Bryan
* Ben
* David
* Herman

– Watch party confirmations? Alex had said he’d take on the next couple. Jess confirmed while we are at El Nopal that the 22nd watch party will be here. Need to make sure we have the social posts/images ready to go.

– Banners: No one has reached out yet, past messages shared in chat, we have a homebrewed design that would be purple and orange and an offer from NSC Roadies. Herman will reach out to the team on Thursday morning to communicate designs and seek approvals. ** Update: comms with Roadies established after meeting on Thursday, banner coming up from Nashville, team approval granted.

– Scarves/Coin status: Coin invoice not paid yet, but items in process of being made. No estimated delivery date for coins. Scarves shipping next week (4/19). Set one of the watch parties as a pickup if possible, will need to coordinate home game tables for pickup and sales.

– TIFO material- will need to find out next time that material is on sale. Basic design: purple field with 10-year logo

– Current balance – combined balance: $2149.87. Taxes should be done around the end of the week or early next week before April 18th deadline
– Player of the match will come out of current balance, ~$67
– Additional fees will be expected coming out of this balance for bank transfers and potential shipping related costs

– Player of the month: Carl talked to Rebecca from LCL, we’ve been doing player of the match, LCL wants to partner for POTM as well. All in attendance cool with it.

– Angel’s Share – all good for food pantry collection with South Louisville community ministries, Bryan will reach out to get a list of things they need. Once list is in hand we can set collection times/dates and add to newsletter/site.

– Carl: QR codes for capo stand: Capos have updated lyrics and songs for website. Carl and Glenn have stickers to point people towards new. Want to get large signs to hang around smoke stacks so people can snap at the matches. Herman will OK with team when he gets comms about banners. Bryan will get website updated with latest chants and fixes to existing lyrics ASAP.

– Second round of kits maybe mid June. First run in production now.

– LIPAFC: Bryan still needs to do an illustration of the logo (vector). Scarf: I65 with trophy in the middle and Coopers/Brickyard on each end. David wants to get pins made. Deadline would be mid-june so we make sure we can have everything for the July 29th home LIPAFC match

– Bryan to add CTAs to site asking for volunteers. Capo page, homepage, etc. Set up a dedicated volunteer page and form.